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Bridge & Presentation Tools: Incorporating presentations into your eLearning

December 17, 2024 |

Another feature to love about Bridge is ease in which you can incorporate PowerPoint slide decks into your eLearning. In this article, we’ll give you all of the highlights. We will also show how to work with newer presentation tools like Prezi and Canva.

Importing PowerPoint

Whenever you upload a PowerPoint slide deck into Bridge, a brand new course is created automatically. Then you simply need to embellish the course (ie, with a cover slide & quiz questions) before sending it out to your learners. How does it work? Each PowerPoint slide is converted into an image in a one-for-one fashion. All text and pictures are converted into static images. Please be aware that Bridge will not upload any animations or videos that are embedded in PowerPoint. Make sure to review the course thoroughly before publishing it.

What if my slide deck changes? When an individual slide changes and needs to be updated, then you simply replace the image in Bridge. This is done by editing the course and replacing old for new. Bridge keeps the original slide deck as a file attachment, which is handy.

Other Presentation Tools

Other tools such as Prezi, Google Sheets and Keynote can be used in a different way. You embed an entire presentation into an individual slide in Bridge with Native course development tools. The slide deck is embedded, and learners can easily scroll through the presentation. The article below explains what other types of web content can be embedded below.

prezi logo

Importing PowerPoint Voice Over

So what are they? VoiceOvers are PowerPoint slide decks paired with audio narration.

How to record a voiceover for powerpoint on a pc

  1. Open a new or existing or presentation in PowerPoint.
  2. From the top toolbar, select “Insert.”
  3. Toward the far right side, click “Audio.” …
  4. Choose “Record Audio…”
  5. Name your audio file. …
  6. Click the circle icon when you’re ready to start recording.
  7. Once you have completed and saved your recording, you will have a file with an .MP4 extension at the end of the file name.
  8. Logon to Bridge
  9. Go to Author–>Courses
  10. Create a new course or edit an existing course
  11. On the slide where you want to place the voice over, click on the video widget
  12. Browse to the location of your new file
  13. Click to select the file
  14. Once the file is uploaded, click on the publish button.
  15. Then send it to staff by adding learners or groups to the course/presentation


The voiceover feature helps to bridge the gap where animations and videos cannot be imported. Using the voiceover, they can be effectively used. You can also export your slide deck as a PDF document or as a show and attach it to the course so that learners can reference it at their own pace. Either way, the simplicity and ease of use will ensure that this process is in your go-to arsenal of learning tools. That explains why this has created such enthusiasm among Altura customers. 

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