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Positive Impact: Why Grandparents are key to Children's Development blog artwork
Positive Impact: Why Grandparents are key to Children’s Development

Grandparents fill an irreplaceable role in a child’s development: Pillars of wisdom and sources of support, they possess a unique understanding of a family’s history and traditions. They love their grandchildren with unconditional affection that matches that of a child’s own parents, and though some families are separated by distance or circumstance, being able to connect with a grandchild frequently fosters a relationship that can influence a child to define values, flourish in self-confidence and strengthen the bonds of family. Here is why Grandparents are key to Children’s Development.

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Healthy ageing in care courses topic artwork
Getting physical: The short and long-term benefits of keeping active

Physical activity is critical to human health. Even the simplest movement is advantageous when compared to complete lethargy but, the more active an individual can be, the better their health. The Archives of Internal Medicine reports that even individuals age 85 and up who have led sedentary lifestyles their entire life can benefit from physical activity. Furthermore, they enjoy a better quality of life, they are healthier and they live longer when compared to peers of similar age that remain sedentary. Here are some key short and long-term benefits of keeping active.

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music therapy for dementia patients
Music to their ears: How music therapy is helping Dementia Care

Reports about how music therapy is helping in dementia care are accumulating. Taken together, the observations offer a compelling picture of how this simple step that can make the lives of millions of people living with dementia more successful and supporting the work of their caregivers.

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