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Celebrating nurses around the globe
May 11, 2023 | Altura Blog
International Nurses Day is an annual celebration held on May 12th to honor the contributions of nurses to society. The day was first observed in 1965 by the International Council of Nurses (ICN) to mark the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing.
The purpose of International Nurses Day (IND) is to highlight the essential role that nurses play in providing quality healthcare to people around the world. It’s a time to recognise these dedicated professionals who play a crucial role in promoting health, well-being and human development around the globe.
Today we recognise and celebrate the contributions of these dedicated professionals who are so important to our society and our sector.
What’s the theme for 2023?
The 2023 International Nurses Day theme, “Our Nurses. Our Future.” focuses on the future of nursing and the global health challenges that nurses will face in the years to come. The campaign aims to highlight the need to protect, respect and value nurses, who play a critical role in healthcare delivery.
The campaign will also emphasise the importance of strengthening health systems to meet the growing global health demands. The campaign will identify key actions that the International Council of Nurses (ICN) believes are essential to addressing both the nursing profession and health systems.
The release of the State of the World’s Nursing report, the Global Strategic Directions for Nursing & Midwifery, and the Sustain and Retain in 2022 and Beyond publications, among others, have shown the evidence for change and called for action and investments in nursing. The Our Nurses. Our Future. campaign will build on this evidence and call for investments in nursing and healthcare.
International Nurses Day is an important occasion for nurses and their supporters to celebrate.
The following are some ways you can mark the day:
Get Involved:
Many hospitals and healthcare organisations hold events to mark International Nursing Day, such as seminars, workshops and award ceremonies. Attending these events can be a great way to show support for nurses and learn more about the profession.
Thank a nurse:
It’s important to express gratitude for the work that nurses do, whether you know one personally or encounter them in your healthcare setting.
Donating to nursing charities:
There are many charities and organisations that support nurses and nursing education around the world. Donating to these organisations can be a great way to show support for the profession, while also making a positive impact on someone’s life!
Happy International Nurses Day!