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#IWD2023 – International Women’s Day

March 2, 2023 |

International Women’s Day (IWD) has been observed around the world for over a century as a means for women and men to generate interest in and campaign for voting rights, peace, education and better working and pay conditions. Whilst significant progress has been made, it’s clear that there is still a long way to go.

UN Women is the entity which promotes the United Nations’ goal to empower women, by working with governments and other organisations to set global standards for achieving gender equality.

This year, we observe IWD on Wednesday 8th March, 2023 – and UN Women has chosen the theme “DigitALL: Innovation and technology for gender equality”.

According to the World Health Organization, women account for 70% of the global health and social care workforce and provide life-saving health services for around 5 billion people worldwide, yet their contributions to this sector are consistently undervalued. 

Female health workers tend to be clustered into lower status, low paid, and often unpaid roles, supporting the physical, social and mental wellbeing of the people in their care. WHO also states that with an 18 million health worker shortfall worldwide to achieve Universal Health Care, “gender equality is key to building resilient health systems”. 

Promoting and improving workplace gender equality is a priority for many organisations in the health and social care environment. Altura Learning’s course ‘Promoting Equality, Diversity & Inclusion’ explores ways to promote a positive and inclusive environment and break down barriers to address discrimination.  This course is available for Residential Care and Home Care providers.

‘Innovate to Create Your Future’ reveals how three care organisations used innovative thinking to meet the challenges of the future.  We talk to staff who have made a difference and share their creative ideas for you to apply in your own care and service organisation.  ‘Innovate to Create Your Future’ is available for Residential Care providers.

Find out more here:

About UN Women

Paula Coto: The technology sector has outstanding debts on gender equality

WHO | 10 key issues in ensuring gender equity in the global health workforce

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