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Using Programs in Bridge LMS to deliver your training
July 16, 2024 | Altura Blog
The Member Management Team has observed opportunities for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of Programs, which will help improve your training and compliance outcomes.
If you think you have an issue with the way you’ve set up your Programs, or you are concerned that they are not functioning as required, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us for help. The Member Management Team can triage the situation and find a solution for you, so you can optimise your experience and get the most out of your membership.
Here are some hot tips about setting up Programs from the Member Management Team :
Do : Repeat Learning – Repeat learning is reliable, and is an excellent method for mandatory learning. Set and forget.
Do: Enroll groups onto programs -Set up smart groups and attach them to programs. Make sure to tackle this after the staff upload. That will ensure rework is avoided.
Don’t: Change Program settings after enrollments are completed -This is important,
Always work in this order:
1. Upload staff
2. Set up smart groups
3. Configure Program Settings
Changing Program Settings after you have deployed your Programs, can be detrimental to your learning records, Programs are designed to set up- and let run.
Don’t: Delete groups while they are still attached to courses and programs
– If a particular group is attached to courses or programs, they need to be decoupled.
Once there is no relevant content, the group can finally be deleted.
Don’t: Ad Hoc Learning – Do not use Programs to enroll learners into one-off training.
One-off learning will respect prior learning and will pre-mark those who completed a course as complete without prior warning*
If in doubt about what you have previously set up – or about to set Programs up for the first time, give us a call and we can have a look at what you’ve set up or guide you through Best Practices for setting up a new Program.
Don’t forget, you can reach out to the Member Management Team anytime between 9am-5pm
Monday – Friday on 1800 932 004.