Altura Blog
Dignity and Personalised Care
07/06/2018Our new course Dignity and Personalised Care, explores the concept of dignity; being of value and worth, and how care staff can support each person’s own vision of dignity.
Our new course Dignity and Personalised Care, explores the concept of dignity; being of value and worth, and how care staff can support each person’s own vision of dignity.
Our new course Fire Safety: A Practical Approach is the newest addition to Altura Learning’s Dynamic Suite. This course, which was shot in an aged care facility, takes viewers through an actual fire scenario at the home. Staff in the video reflect on their training to help them to decide what action to take at each point.
Altura Learning is proud to present the upcoming course Leadership: Engaging your Team. Engaged staff have been shown to be more productive, committed to the organisation and more effective at achieving workplace goals.
Leading industry learning solutions provider Aged Care Channel has announced a new name reflecting its ongoing work to innovate and expand geographically and across health, disability and social sectors, supported by award-winning technology.
Altura Learning is proud to present the upcoming course Tissue Viability: Pressure Injuries. This course defines and describes types of pressure injuries, how they develop, their treatment and most importantly, how you can play a role in preventing them.
Altura Learning is proud to present their new course Recognising and Responding to Abuse which develops greater awareness of common types of abuse, whilst examining the carer’s role in recognising and reporting signs of possible abuse.
Altura Learning is proud to present their course Medication Management: A Framework designed to familiarise staff with their role in medication management using a systematic approach, which ensures both the safe use of medications and quality outcomes for the older person.
Altura Learning is proud to present their course Infection Control: An Introduction, detailing the key principles of good infection prevention and control. This new ACC course teaches how infectious agents spread and identifies simple precautions for use in the home environment.
ACC proudly present Outstanding Learning: Engaging Heart exploring the ACC library’s many features and how ACC supports a culture of learning, education and development.
Altura Learning is proud to present their course Infection Control: An Overview which explores how infectious agents spread and identifies simple precautions which you can use to control, prevent and reduce the risk of infection.
Within this blog, I hope to stimulate our thoughts and, in turn, our actions with regards to the ways we may best be able to support residents living with dementia who are living within environments which we contribute to on a daily basis every time we go to work.
Altura Learning is proud to present their new course Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace. This course identifies what constitutes bullying and harassment in the workplace, how you can play a role in preventing these behaviours and explores how you should respond.
Within this blog, I hope to stimulate our thoughts and, in turn, our actions with regards to the ways we may best be able to support residents living with dementia who are living within environments which we contribute to on a daily basis every time we go to work.
Although you may not enjoy getting older, there are several perks. Now that your children are grown, and you’re no longer working, you finally have more time to do the things you’ve always wanted to do. For example, you could explore new hobbies. Unfortunately, some senior citizens do their hobbies, alone, failing to interact with others. As a result, they suffer from isolation, which can also affect both their physical health and mental well-being. Here are Five of the Best Social Activities for Seniors.
When running a successful care organisation, your care staff are constantly dealing directly with people in their most personal and often private moments. From companionship to personal care, it’s important to always show compassion and empathy to those you are caring for and adapt quickly to their needs. Here are 10 Ways to Improve Customer Service at Your Care Organisation.
Via ACC on demand, explain legislative requirements and the importance of maintaining privacy and confidentiality as well as principles around information sharing.
Communication is never easy. Taking a thought from your mind, translating it into words, and then having those words heard, and properly interpreted into meaning by another person is going to be difficult under the best of circumstances. One way to make the process easier, though, is for the listener to be active. Active listening is about more than hearing the words someone is speaking; it’s about being really and truly involved in the conversation.
No matter your age, maintaining a healthy weight must always be of the utmost importance when considering your overall health and progress. While the process of aging may lead to some fluctuations in weight, having an overall healthy body weight ensures that you are leading a better lifestyle.
Available now at Altura Learning and streaming. Develop the skills to use manual handling equipment safely and effectively to move people in a home care setting.
Fires are a serious danger, but those over the age of 65 are even more at risk. According to The Federal Emergency Management Agency, seniors are more than twice as likely to die in a fire as the general population. Once a senior gets over 85, that risk quadruples. So, while fires pose a risk to all of us, it’s important to make sure there are precautions in place to protect seniors in particular in the case of unexpected combustion. Here is some great advice about fire safety for older people to keep in mind.
We cherish special life milestones like birthdays and anniversaries for a reason. They represent continuity and growth, the unbroken threads that shape a person’s life. They are a sign of triumph over adversity, of strength, and of hope, particularly in the later years when they represent decades of experience. The importance of celebrating life is reflected in physical and mental health, community and family relationships and a healthy self-concept. Each of these is essential to an optimal quality of life, and here’s how they work.